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Project Details
Work Type: Widening
Phase: PD&E
Limits: from West Daughtery Road to North of West Socrum Loop Road
Length: 3.4 miles
Start of Current Phase: Early 2020

Project Description

The Project Development and Environment (PD&E) study will identify and evaluate the possibility of operational and safety improvements of US 98 (State Road (SR) 35) from West Daughtery Road to North of West Socrum Loop Road in Polk County.

The project involves the potential for accommodating multimodal travel, safety, and connectivity. FDOT is conducting this PD&E study in accordance with the requirements of the Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and other federal and state laws and regulations.

The project segment is currently a six-lane roadway south of Norton Road which transitions to a four-lane roadway north of Norton Road creating a traffic bottleneck. The intent of this project is to improve that traffic bottleneck and improve transportation connectivity. This study will analyze the need for roadway improvements, including bicycle, pedestrian, intersection operations, and safety. Adding shared-use paths and improving sidewalks throughout the corridor will enhance safety by reducing the number of vehicular crashes involving bicyclists and pedestrians.

Need for the Project

The project is identified in the Adopted Polk TPO's Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) – Momentum 2040 as a Tier IV Illustrative or Partially Funded through 2040 Project, meaning the project represents a high priority project not currently cost feasible but could be added to the plan should funding become available in the future.

US 98 (SR 35) from West Daughtery Road to West Socrum Loop Road is an important route of the regional freight network and is a largely commercial corridor experiencing an increase in traffic to local businesses. Improvements may include operational improvements at intersections, as well as safety considerations for bicyclists and pedestrians, such as adding shared-use paths and improving sidewalks.

Project Funding

The project is included in the Adopted Polk TPO's FY 2018/2019 - FY 2022/2023 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) with $1,550,000 programmed for the PD&E Study in FY 2020. Funding for the study phase is included in fiscal year 2020 of the FDOT's Five-Year Work Program and is included in the FDOT State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). There is currently no funding for the design, right-of-way acquisition or construction phases of this project.

Public Involvement

There are no scheduled meetings at this time. Please check back frequently for updates.

If you have questions regarding this project or would like to schedule a meeting, please contact the FDOT Project Manager, Mr. David C. Turley, P.E., at (863) 519-2255 or by email at David.Turley@dot.state.fl.us. Written comments and questions can be mailed to:

US 98 from W. Daughtery Rd. to W. Socrum Loop Rd. PD&E Study
Attention: David C. Turley, P.E.
Florida Department of Transportation, District One
P.O. Box 1249, Bartow, FL 33831

Public participation is solicited without regard to race, color, national origin, age, sex, religion, disability, or family status in compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and related studies.

View Factsheet
Contact Information
PD&E Project Manager
David C. Turley, P.E.
For Media Inquiries Only
Project Images
TNorthbound bus stop north of Mann Road
Southbound US 98 north of Daughtery Road
Southbound bus stop across from Princeton Manor
Northbound US south of Marcum Road