EMERGENCY INFORMATION FDOT Emergency Travel Alert: For information on the current situation, please visit the following page - Alerts.

Project Details
Work Type: Widening
Phase: Design
Limits: from CR 80A (Cowboy Way) to north of CR 731 (Whidden Road)
Length: 2.576 miles
Design Cost: $9,480,607
Start of Current Phase: Mid 2022
Est. Completion of Current Phase: Late 2023
Estimated Costs
ROW Cost: $13,013,529
Construction Cost: $155,190,577


FDOT invites you to an upcoming public hearing. Read the Public Involvement section below for all information and how to participate.

The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), District One, is conducting a Project Development and Environment (PD&E) Study Re-evaluation for proposed improvements to SR 29 from CR 80A (Cowboy Way) to north of CR 731 (Whidden Rd) in Hendry County. These improvements are intended to improve traffic operations, access, and mobility along SR 29. FDOT anticipates this project will also enhance safety along the project corridor; improve emergency evacuation; and improve access between Hendry and Glades Counties. The project will widen sidewalks along the corridor and look at improvements at the intersections of SR 29 and Cowboy Way, SR 80 at Main Street and Bridge Street, and Park Avenue at Main Street and Bridge Street. The no-build alternative, where no improvements other than routine maintenance are made to SR 29, will remain viable throughout the remainder of this study.

Public Involvement


The purpose of this hearing is to share the alternatives and analysis completed to date, and to provide the public an opportunity to comment for the official hearing record. Here are the ways you can participate in the upcoming hearing.


April 8 Technical Documents Posted

Access an online copy of the project technical documents in the Project Documents section, which will also be available from April 8 – May 9, 2025, at: FDOT District One, Southwest Area Office, 10041 Daniels Parkway, Fort Myers, FL 33913 and Barron Library, 461 North Main Street, LaBelle, FL 33935.


April 22 Hearing Materials Posted

View all the hearing materials in the Project Documents box below. You will be able to submit comments online if you are unable to attend a live event.


April 29 Hearing – In-Person and Online


LaBelle Civic Center

481 Hickpochee Ave., LaBelle, FL 33935

5 – 6 p.m. open house (View hearing materials and talk to the team)

6 p.m. formal hearing (Give spoken comment during the formal hearing event)



https://tinyurl.com/SR29PublicHearing  (Advanced registration required)

5:45 – 6 p.m. learn how to make comments online

6 p.m. view a live broadcast of the in-person event
You will receive a confirmation email with information about joining the hearing from a computer, tablet, or mobile device. (Note: Internet Explorer cannot be used for this event)

Review the materials online prior to the event. Remotely view the in-person presentation and provide spoken comment during the formal hearing.


How to submit comments

You may submit comments in the following ways

-          Spoken comment during the live event (online or in-person location)

-          Online through the project webpage (use the contact box on the right)

-          Email the project manager (David.Agacinski@dot.state.fl.us)

-          By mail: FDOT District One, Southwest Area Office Attn: David Agacinski, 10041 Daniels Parkway, Fort Myers, FL 33913

You can provide written comment about the project at any time, but comments must be submitted by May 9 to be included in the record for this hearing. You may also call the project manager (phone number to the right) if you have questions before you submit your comment.


If you need ADA or Translation Services:
Persons who require special accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) or persons who require translation services (free of charge) should contact Cynthia Sykes, District One Title VI Coordinator by phone at (863) 519-2287 or by email at cynthia.sykes@dot.state.fl.us at least seven (7) days before the live event you plan to attend.

The Florida Department of Transportation is required to comply with various non-discrimination laws and regulations, including Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. FDOT solicits public participation without regard to race, color, national origin, age, sex, religion, disability, or family status. Anyone wishing to express concern about Title VI should contact Cynthia Sykes at the information above.


Public Notices
This meeting will be advertised according to federal and state statutes in the following places:
On this project webpage
Email to public officials and interested parties
Newsletter to local property owners near the project


Previous Outreach Materials:

FDOT held a second public workshop, with a live in person event on Wednesday, January 31, 2024, and a live online event on Thursday, February 1, 2024. Materials were also available for review and comment below from Wednesday, January 24, 2024. And comments for the workshop were accepted in multiple ways through Monday, February 12, 2024. To view what was presented at the workshop, see the Project Documents section below.

Second Public Workshop Meeting Materials – January 31 & February 1, 2024

SR 29 City of LaBelle and Hendry County Joint Meeting Held on October 26, 2023

FDOT held a public workshop, with a live in person event on Wednesday, November 30, 2022  and a live online event on Thursday, December 1, 2022. Materials were also available for review and comment below from Wednesday, November 23, 2022. And comments for the workshop were accepted in multiple ways through Saturday, December 10, 2022. To view what was presented at the workshop, see the Project Documents section below.

Alternatives Public Workshop Held on November 30 & December 1, 2022


1.      Will the SR 29 Project require removal of old historical buildings?

  • No, historical buildings will NOT be impacted by this project.

2.      Will the SR 29 Project remove most of the existing trees?

  • No, FDOT will make every effort to evaluate and save existing, healthy trees.

3.      Will the SR 29 improvements impact the Barron Library? Will it remove green space near the library?

  • No, the proposed bridges will be located near the existing bridge within the existing FDOT right‐of‐way.
  • Green space impacts will vary depending on concepts, with opportunities to compensate for the impacts.

4.      What is the height of the proposed retaining wall south of DeSoto Ave.?

  • Estimated to be 3 ft higher than the existing Bridge St. guardrail. Final height will be determined during final design.

5.      Will access to riverfront, library and city dock be eliminated?

  • No, access will be maintained with all concepts.

6.      Will right‐of‐way impacts along Main St. north of SR 80 cause businesses to lose their parking?

  • North of Oklahoma Ave., there are no planned parking impacts.
  • Between Oklahoma Ave. and SR 80, R/W impacts vary from no impacts to approx. 5‐ft wide depending on the alternative. The FDOT design team will work with any impacted businesses.

7.      Will the view under the bridge change after the proposed bridges are constructed?

  • The proposed bridges will have slightly longer spans compared to the existing bridge spans, opening up the view from either side of Bridge St.

8.      How will the roundabouts work?

  • There are simulations provided in the Project Video titled “SR 29 Concept Re‐evaluation Study Presentation” under this project’s FDOT website https://www.swflroads.com/project/417878‐8.

9.      Can anything be done to improve the signals on SR 80 at Main St. and Bridge St.?

  • All concepts will include optimizing the signal timing to help reduce backups and improve flow through intersections.
  • Shifting the truck traffic to Bridge St. south of SR 80 will also help improve the traffic flow at Intersections.

10. Will Improvements create a high‐speed facility on Main St. north of SR 80?

  • No, the posted speed will be 25‐30 MPH with speed management elements and signs for no trucks.
  • The new bridge will serve as a second option for passenger vehicles to cross the bridge and access SR 80.

11. Can a truck bypass route be added similar to Arcadia, DeLand, Lake Placid and Sebring?

  • A feasibility study for a bypass route was added to FDOT Work Program, east bypass routes add avg. 13 miles to the route.
  • Arcadia, DeLand, Lake Placid and Sebring alternative/bypass routes all add less than 1/4 mile to the route.

12. Will the Barron Park master plan be impacted by this project?

  • No impact with Park Ave. conventional signal concept.

13. When will FDOT take over Bridge St. south of SR 80?

  • Once construction of this project is complete.
  • Bridge St. will be designated as the truck route.
View Factsheet
Contact Information
Design Project Manager
David Agacinski
For Media Inquiries Only
Project Documents
Project Videos
Project Images
417878-8 Project Location Map