414506-7 State Road (SR) 70 from Lorraine Road to Bourneside Boulevard Widening Project
Roadwatch UpdateProject Details
Project Description
The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) is widening State Road (SR) 70 from Lorraine Road to Bourneside Boulevard from a two-lane undivided roadway to a four-lane or six-lane divided roadway, depending on the location. Other improvements on SR 70 include roundabouts to be constructed at Uihlein Road, Del Webb Boulevard, and Bourneside Boulevard, upgrades to the existing signalized intersection of Lorraine Road and Greenbrook Boulevard, construction of four bridges over Braden River crossings, installation of a new drainage system, construction of 10-foot shared use paths, street lighting and landscaping. The project will also include the installation of new fiber optic cable connecting the two signalized intersections to Manatee County’s regional Advanced Traffic Management System (ATMS).
Roundabout Guide - All about roundabouts.
Roundabouts for Pedestrians & Bicyclists - How pedestrians can stay safe when using a roundabout.
Anatomy of a Roundabout - What is included in a roundabout, and how to traverse it by vehicle.
Roundabout Yielding - Where to yield at a roundabout.
Yielding to Emergency Vehicles - What to do in case of an oncoming emergency vehicle.
Benefits of a New Roundabout - A video to display all the benefits of this new installation.
Modern Roundabouts - A video showing how to navigate a roundabout as a pedestrian, or motorist of any kind.
RRFB PSA - Video showing how to use a Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB) and Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon (PHB).
RRFB in Use - A short look at how RRFB's can help pedestrians stay safe.
Public Meeting Video - The informative video played at the public meeting held March 4, 2024.
Public Involvement
Public Meeting Notice
A construction public meeting was held on March 4, 2024. Property and business owners were notified, and meeting information was advertised for the public to attend. Please see Public Meeting Information flyer for more details.
Frequently Asked Questions
Question: How do I get timely and accurate traffic information before I leave home or when I am out and about?
Answer: Motorists can obtain around-the-clock, real-time traffic information by calling 511. Voice prompts will guide you through to the roadway(s) in which you are interested and supply information on traffic conditions as they truly are.
Question: What is the difference between a roundabout and a traffic circle?
Answer: Traffic circles are much larger than a roundabout and often have stop signs or signals within the circular intersection. Roundabouts are smaller and vehicles must yield before entering. Roundabouts typically operate at relatively low speeds (<25 MPH) while traffic circles allow higher speeds (> 25 MPH). Roundabouts restrict pedestrians from entering the central island while some traffic circles allow pedestrians to cross to and from the central island.
Question: How do I drive in a multi-lane roundabout?
Answer: Reduce your speed to 10-15 mph as you approach the roundabout and follow signs and pavement markings to determine the lane(s) that will serve your destination. Look left for oncoming traffic (traffic moves counterclockwise), yield to vehicles already in the roundabout and wait for a gap to enter. Once you have entered, do not stop in the roundabout, do not pass other vehicles, and use your turn signal to exit the roundabout to the right. Be sure to yield to pedestrians crossing the exit lane and allow emergency vehicles to pass.
Question: How should drivers yield to emergency vehicles?
Answer: If you have not entered the roundabout, pull over to the right and allow the emergency vehicle to pass. If you have already entered the roundabout, continue to the closest exit, and pull over once you are beyond the splitter island to allow the emergency vehicle to pass. Never stop in a roundabout.
Question: Should I stop inside the roundabout to let someone in?
Answer: You should not stop after crossing the yield line and are in the roundabout circle. However, you may slow down so a safe gap becomes more obvious to the driver wanting to enter the roundabout.
Question: How are pedestrians accommodated in a roundabout?
Answer: Pedestrians use marked crosswalks between the splitter islands that separate the roundabout approach and exit lanes. The splitter island serves as a pedestrian refuge between the crosswalks and allows pedestrians to focus on crossing one direction of traffic at a time.
Question: How are visually impaired pedestrians accommodated in a roundabout?
Answer: Roundabouts are generally considered an advantage to the visually impaired because they can only cross one direction of traffic at a time and they can more easily distinguish between the vehicle noises. Also, the slower vehicle speeds at roundabouts make them generally safer for all pedestrians.
Question: How are bicyclists accommodated in a roundabout?
Answer: Bicyclists may share the roadway with vehicles or dismount and use the sidewalk and crosswalk system to navigate through the roundabout.
Question: How will large trucks be accommodated?
Answer: Roundabouts are designed to accommodate the turning movements of a tractor trailer rig. To accommodate the sweep of the trailer wheels as it makes its way through the roundabout, a truck apron is constructed around the inside of the circulating roadway. The apron is made of a different material or is colored differently to distinguish it from the circulating roadway and make it clear the truck apron is not intended to be driven on by smaller vehicles.
Question: Will I be able to access the businesses along SR 70 within the project limits during construction?
Answer: Yes, access to businesses will be maintained at all times during construction. There are times that access may be limited to a single lane with flagging operations in place. The contractor will try to minimize these occurrences as much as possible and try to schedule operations at night/overnight.
Question: Will there be any lane closures during construction?
Answer: Lane closures are permitted between the hours of 9:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., and between 7:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. The public will be notified in advance of lane closures through the media, the weekly RoadWatch Updates, or via email updates.
Question: Why does construction take place during the day in some places and at night in other locations?
Answer: The development of the construction schedule is based on several different factors. Prior to construction, the project's design engineers review the impacts and look closely at the project area before determining how and when the work should be performed. In some instances, work is scheduled for daytime hours or nighttime hours only. In other instances, work is scheduled for both day and nighttime hours. The goal is to complete the work as quickly as possible, while minimizing impacts to the public.
Question: Will construction take place at night?
Answer: Yes, the contractor is permitted to work during the daytime and occasionally during nighttime hours.
Question: Will there be any detours during construction?
Answer: Yes, there will be traffic detours in place only for night work. Road closure information will be communicated to the public during the appropriate construction phase.
Question: Will I be able to drive through the project limits during construction?
Answer: Yes, there will be both daytime and nighttime construction activities, but motorists will be able to navigate through the project limits.
Question: What will be the speed limit during construction?
Answer: During construction, the speed limit will be reduced to 45 mph on SR 70. Speed limits may be adjusted throughout the project limits during construction. Once construction is complete, the speed limit will be 45 mph on SR 70 and 25 mph within the roundabout.
Question: Why do I see so many barrels and cones in construction projects with no visible work in progress?
Answer: FDOT and its contractors place signs and other traffic control devices while work is being performed. However, frequently traffic control devices are left in place during non-work hours to prevent injury to motorists who might attempt to drive in travel lanes not yet suitable for use. In some instances, the work performed is not visible to motorists, particularly when performed below grade level. Placing and removing traffic control devices is time consuming and could significantly increase the cost of construction projects.
Question: What does it mean "where workers are present"?
Answer: Florida Statutes provide for speeding fines to be doubled in work zones when workers are present. The phrase, where workers are present, applies to situations where workers are on or near the road while operating heavy equipment, acting as flag persons, and working with hand tools on the ground. Motorists are urged to exercise caution when entering a work zone since workers might be operating behind equipment and not clearly visible.
Question: Will there be sound barrier walls installed?
Answer: A traffic noise assessment was completed in accordance with Federal and State requirements. Based on the noise study for the current SR 70 corridor through the design year 2045, no residences are shown to have traffic noise levels that exceed the level that FDOT considers to be an impact, which is 66 decibels. Thus, based on our policies and procedures, FDOT is not considering any noise reducing measures at this time.
Question: What do I do about my irrigation system, landscaping and fencing?
Answer: Property owners who have privately owned irrigation systems, ornamental landscaping, and/or fencing on the FDOT right of way may be required, at their own expense, to remove or relocate these items onto their property.
Question: How will construction affect the access to and from my property?
Answer: The Department strives to maintain access to businesses and residences at all times. There are occasions when it is necessary to temporarily close a driveway to perform project related work. Whenever this is necessary, the project team makes every effort to coordinate with the property owner in advance to minimize impacts.
Question: What kinds of impacts can I expect during construction?
Answer: The Department works hard to minimize all project related impacts, but you might experience one or more of the following during construction: increased dust, additional noise, reduced speed limits, temporary detours and/or lane closures, temporary sidewalk closures and pedestrian detours, heavy machinery and equipment moving in and around the construction zone, flagmen directing motorists around construction activity, and project personnel moving in and around the project area.
Question: Will I be compensated for loss of business during construction?
Answer: FDOT does not provide monetary compensation to businesses within the construction zone. We do, however, take measures to minimize any construction related impacts. FDOT strives to maintain access at all times and provide business operators with timely information about construction activities that might affect them.
Question: Will traffic cameras be installed at the roundabouts to ensure that vehicles are properly yielded as directed?
Answer: Traffic cameras will not be installed at the roundabouts. Cameras will be installed at the Lorraine Road and Greenbrook Boulevard intersections.
Question: Will there be any utility relocations that would require easements outside of FDOT right-of-way?
Answer: All right of way has been obtained for this project. We are still accessing the relocation requirements as design is ongoing. As of now, all relocations will be inside the FDOT right of way.
Question: How long will construction last?
Answer: The estimated completion date is spring 2027, weather permitting.
Question: Who do I call if I have a question or concern about the project?
Answer: You can contact our Community Outreach Manager:
Alice Ramos
Tel: 941-290-6769
Email: alice.ramos@dot.state.fl.us
All media inquiries should be directed to:
Janella Newsome
FDOT Director of Communications
Tel: 863-519-2828
Email: janella.newsome@dot.state.fl.us
Contact Information
Communications Team |
Alice Ramos
For Media Inquiries Only |
SR 70 from Lorraine Road to Bourneside Boulevard, Bradenton: Construction project: This project includes widening SR 70 from Lorraine Road to Bourneside Boulevard from a two-lane undivided roadway to a four-lane or six-lane divided roadway, depending on the location, construction of roundabouts on SR 70 at Uihlein Road, Del Webb Boulevard, and Bourneside Boulevard, intersection improvements at the existing signalized intersection of Greenbrook Boulevard and Lorraine Road, construction of four bridges over two Braden River crossing locations, new drainage system, construction of 10-foot shared use paths, street lighting, and landscaping, and installation of new fiber optic cable connecting the two signalized intersections to Manatee County’s regional Advanced Traffic Management System (ATMS).
This week, crews will work to spread, mix, and grade the roadway subgrade and base material from Uihlein Road to Del Webb Boulevard. Short term lane closures will be used for the tie-in locations to existing SR 70. Light pole bases and underground conduit will be installed east of Uihlein Road. Bourneside Boulevard continues to be closed, with reconstruction of the roadway with lighting and drainage improvements. Drainage work will continue on SR 70 between Greenbrook Boulevard and Lorraine Road.
Please use caution and watch for trucks and construction vehicles entering or exiting the work zone throughout the construction limits. Work will occur Monday through Saturday from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Please use caution and be aware of workers and flaggers in the area.
Bourneside Boulevard is closed to construct the south portion of the Bourneside Boulevard roundabout. During this time, no traffic will be permitted on Bourneside Boulevard between The Masters Avenue and SR 70 in either direction while the existing roadway will be under construction. Motorists should use caution in the area and follow the provided detour route provided by way of The Masters Avenue to Lorraine Road. The closure will be in place until April 2025.
Greenbrook Boulevard is expected to be closed in May 2025 to construct the south portion of the Greenbrook Boulevard intersection. During this time no traffic will be permitted on Greenbrook Boulevard between SR 70 and Skip Jack Loop in either direction. The north side of Greenbrook Boulevard and SR 70 will remain open. A complete detour and message boards will be provided in advance of the closure being implemented.