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Project Details
Work Type: Bridge Repair
Phase: Design
Limits: SR 64 from SR 789 to Perico Bay Boulevard
Length: 1.94 miles
Start of Current Phase: Early 2016
Est. Completion of Current Phase: Mid 2025
Estimated Costs
Construction Cost: $76 million

Project Description

Welcome to the website for the State Road (SR) 64 Anna Maria Island Bridge replacement design project in Manatee County, Florida. From 2008 to 2015, FDOT conducted a Project Development and Environment (PD&E) Study for SR 64 from SR 789 (East Bay Drive) to Perico Bay Boulevard. On January 15, 2016, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) granted approval (Location and Design Concept Acceptance) of the Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI), for the proposed replacement of the Anna Maria Island Bridge, completing the PD&E phase of the project. The next project phase, known as design, began in January 2016. It is during the design phase when FDOT finalizes project details that will result in a final set of construction documents.

Project Improvements

This project involves replacing the existing bascule Anna Maria Island Bridge with a high-level fixed bridge. FDOT will construct the new bridge approximately 14 feet to the south of the existing bridge and provide 65 feet of vertical navigational clearance. FDOT anticipates the maximum height of the surface of the roadway will be approximately 74 feet. The bridge will consist of two 12-foot travel lanes (one eastbound and one westbound), 11-foot shoulders in each direction, and 10-foot sidewalks on each side of the bridge.

This project involves replacing the existing bascule Anna Maria Island Bridge with a high-level fixed bridge. The new bridge will be constructed approximately 14 feet to the south of the existing bridge and provide 65 feet of vertical navigational clearance. FDOT anticipates the maximum height of the surface of the roadway will be approximately 74 feet. The bridge will consist of two 12-foot travel lanes (one eastbound and one westbound), 11-foot shoulders in each direction for emergency vehicles to pass, and 10-foot sidewalks on each side of the bridge. Bicyclists will be able to use the shoulders as well as the planned 10-foot sidewalks. The new bridge will be approximately 3,150 feet long. An exact length has not yet been determined at this stage in the design phase. For comparison, the existing bridge is 3,123 feet long.

Other improvements include 10-foot sidewalks in both directions throughout the project limits, a pedestrian and bicyclist path under each end of the bridge, landscaping, and lighting. FDOT will also collaborate with Manatee County to explore innovative project solutions such as improvements to the Kingfish Boat Ramp and artificial reef generation constructed from the existing bridge recycled debris.

As part of this project, FDOT has established a bridge aesthetics committee consisting of representatives from the surrounding communities. This committee will evaluate architectural and aesthetic elements in an effort to design a bridge that will fit in harmony with the surrounding environment and embody the character of the community both now and in the future. The aesthetics committee will be consensus based and will meet at various times throughout the design process.

View Factsheet
Contact Information
Design Project Manager
Jeff Mednick
For Media Inquiries Only
Project Documents
Project Images