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Project Details
Work Type: New Road
Phase: PD&E
Limits: from Home Run Blvd. to Frontage Rd.
Length: 1.53 miles
Study Cost: $500,000
Start of Current Phase: Late 2022
Est. Completion of Current Phase: Mid 2024
Estimated Costs
Construction Cost: $4.34M

The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), District One, is kicking off Project Development and Environment (PD&E) studies for improvements to the I-4 (SR 400) interchange at US 27 (SR 25) in Davenport, Polk County. The objective of the PD&E studies is to provide documented information necessary for FDOT to reach a decision on the type, design, and location of improvements.

These studies will evaluate two projects.

FPID# 201210-5: US 27 (SR 25) Interchange at I-4 (SR 400) from South of Ernie Caldwell Boulevard to Ritchie Road and I-4 (SR 400) Auxiliary Lanes from US 27 (SR 25) to CR 532.

Segment 1 is from south of Ernie Caldwell Boulevard to Ritchie Road (MP 23.10 to MP 24.49), a project length of approximately 1.4 miles. In the existing condition, US 27 (SR 25) is an urban arterial with
three 12-foot travel lanes in each direction. This project will address operational deficiencies of the existing US 27 (SR 25) interchange by modifying and improving the I-4 (SR 400) ramp terminal intersections
at US 27 (SR 25), providing a grade-separated intersection at US 27 (SR 25) and Home Run Boulevard/Posner Boulevard, increasing the number of travel lanes along US 27 (SR 25) within the project limits, and creating a frontage road along southbound US 27 (SR 25) from Home Run Blvd. to south of I-4 (SR 400).

A proposed shared-use path will be added to the median of US 27. Segment 2 is I-4 (SR 400) Auxiliary Lanes from US 27 (SR 25) to CR 532 (MP 29.25 to MP 32.0), a project length of approximately 2.8 miles. I-4 (SR 400) currently has three 12-foot travel lanes in each direction with these limits. The proposed improvements will add a12-foot auxiliary lane in each direction on the outside of the existing travel lanes.

FPID # 201210-7: Backage Road from Home Run Boulevard to Frontage Road.
The project proposes to add a new urban road “Backage Road” west of US 27 (SR 25) and south of I-4 (SR 400) from Home Run Boulevard to Frontage Road, a distance of approximately 2,200 feet. The proposed
two-lane road will include a bike lane and a sidewalk in each direction. Additionally, the project would extend Heller Court to the new road and add two additional roundabouts.

Ultimately, there are three major intersections in these projects that will be reconstructed.

  • US 27 (SR 25) at I-4 (SR 400), North Ramp (at Frontage Road), including RCUT
  • US 27 (SR 25) at I-4 (SR 400), South Ramp, including RCUT
  • US 27 (SR 25) at Posner Boulevard /Homerun Boulevard
Public Involvement

You can submit comments on the studies in three ways:

1.           Via the comment link on this project website,

2.           Emailing the FDOT Project Manager Joshua Jester at joshua.jester@dot.state.fl.us, or

3.           Mailing your comment to Joshua Jester, P.E., Project Manager, 801 North Broadway, Bartow, FL 33830


What is a PD&E Study?

A PD&E study is an environmental and engineering process development by FDOT to determine social, economic, natural, and physical environmental effects associated with a proposed transportation improvement project.

The process follows procedures set forth in the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 and federal and state laws and regulations. It requires the combined efforts of professional engineers, planners,
and scientists who collect and analyze project-related information to develop the best solution for transportation needs. An Important component of the process is public and agency coordination.

View Factsheet
Contact Information
PD&E Project Manager
Joshua Jester, P.E.
For Media Inquiries Only
Project Documents