196022-6 SR 64 at Lorraine Road and 145th Street East Roundabout
Roadwatch UpdateProject Details
The improvements on State Road 64 at the intersection of Lorraine Road south and 145th Street to the north in Manatee County will be converted from an existing signalized intersection into a modern roundabout.
The Improvements under this contract consist of multi-lane roundabout construction and will include the following:
- Milling and resurfacing
- Base work
- Shoulder treatment
- Drainage improvements
- Curb and gutter
- Lighting, signing, and pavement marking
- Landscaping
- Sidewalks
- Intelligent transportation system relocation
- And utility updates
Public Involvement
If you need assistance during construction or would like our project team to meet with your organization, please contact Barbara Catlin at barbara.catlin@dot.state.fl.us.
To assist with roundabout education, below are multiple resources.
- Roundabout Guide - All about roundabouts.
- Benefits of a New Roundabout - A video to display all the benefits of this new installation.
- Modern Roundabouts - A video showing how to navigate a roundabout as a pedestrian or motorist of any kind.
- Roundabouts for Pedestrians & Bicyclists - How pedestrians can stay safe when using a roundabout.
- Anatomy of a Roundabout - What is included in a roundabout, and how to traverse it by vehicle.
- Roundabout Yielding - Where to yield at a roundabout.
- Yielding to Emergency Vehicles - What to do in case of an oncoming emergency vehicle.
Contact Information
Communications Team |
Barbara Catlin
Communications Team |
Communications Office
For Media Inquiries Only |
SR 64 at Lorraine Road South and 145th Street North: Construction: Crews have begun work on the conversion of the traffic signal to a free-flowing roundabout.
- Lane closures on westbound and eastbound SR 64 will remain in place during construction, with one lane open in each direction.
Westbound SR 64 traffic lane shift to the north side of SR 64 (far right lane) continues through the duration of the project.
- Existing right turns, onto and from, SR 64 will remain.
- The traffic signal at Lorraine Road will remain deactivated.