Lane Closures on SR 70 from Greenbrier Lane to CR 721 for Asphalt Resurfacing Starting February 17
Intermittent lane closure starts February 17 until March 7
HIGHLANDS COUNTY, Fla. – The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) has scheduled asphalt resurfacing and roadway repairs on State Road 70 (SR 70) between Greenbrier Lane and County Road 721 (CR 721) beginning Monday, February. 17, from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. The work is expected to continue daily until Friday, March 7, 2025.
Intermittent lane closures will take place in both eastbound and westbound directions throughout the project limits. Flaggers will be on-site to direct traffic, and rumble strips will be installed for safety.
Motorists should expect delays as construction equipment and trucks enter and exit the work zone. Drivers are urged to use caution, watch for workers and equipment, and follow all posted signage.
For real-time traffic updates, visit or dial 511.