444857-1 Palmetto Trails Network | PD&E Study Manatee County, Florida
Latest NewsProject Details
UPCOMING PUBLIC WORKSHOP – In-Person on Wednesday, February 19, 2025, and Live Online on Thursday, February 27, 2025
FDOT invites you to an upcoming public workshop for the Southern Section of the Palmetto Trails Network PD&E Study. The workshop materials are now available for viewing (see Project Documents box below).
The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), District One, on behalf of Manatee County, is conducting a Project Development and Environment (PD&E) Study for a proposed shared use pathway through the City of Palmetto and Manatee County. The pathway is one of six transportation improvements proposed in Manatee County’s BUILD (now branded RAISE) and T-HUD grant applications, known collectively as the Palmetto Trails Network Plan (PTNP). As stated in the 2018 BUILD grant, "The Palmetto Trails Network Plan (PTNP) is a regional system of transportation improvements made up of six (6) programs to reestablish connections lost through the construction of US 41 through the heart of Palmetto". A copy of the 2018 BUILD grant application can be found in the Additional Resources section.
This study will identify alignments and alternative facilities, and evaluate the potential impacts associated with each, including the social, economic, and environmental effects that may result from the eventual construction of the trail.
The trail will connect to the existing Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Trail and establish important community connections. It will also improve access to schools, parks, public transportation, jobs, and health services. The study will evaluate connections through the communities near Lincoln Park (also known as Coach Eddie Shannon Park) and Washington Park as well as connections to the area’s future regional trail network.
The project originally intended to evaluate Programs 1, 2, 3, and 5 of the 2018 BUILD grant which outlined segments for study. After some preliminary exploration identified necessary revisions to the original alignment of the network, these segments were replaced with the new Middle Section and Northern Section, respectively.
The Middle Section includes the evaluation of critical trail segments between the Manatee County Area Transit Center, Palmetto Youth Center, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Trail, Lincoln Memorial Middle School, and Lincoln Park (Coach Eddie Shannon Park) as well as the rehabilitation of the historic Lincoln Tunnel under US 41.
The Northern Section includes the development and evaluation of trail segments connecting Lincoln Park (Coach Eddie Shannon Park) and Washington Park through the neighborhoods just east of US 41.
The Southern Section, Program 6 of the 2018 BUILD grant, was added in Summer 2024, after the FDOT's acquisition of additional funds through Sarasota/Manatee Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO). It includes the evaluation and development of trail segments and "complete street" facilities (traffic calming, shared bicycle markings on the road, and sidewalks) between the intersection of US 41 Business and Riverside Drive, through Connor Park, and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Park.
For additional information, graphics and materials prepared for the Northern, Middle, and Southern Sections are available in the Documents and Publication section.
Specific right-of-way needs will be determined during this PD&E Study, with any potential acquisition occurring during the project's future design phase.
Need for the Project
The purpose of the project is to reestablish multimodal, community connections throughout the City of Palmetto and Manatee County, that were previously lost through the construction of US 41. Other goals of the project are to 1) provide safe and viable travel options for the community to access area destinations and 2) support quality of life and economic objectives of the surrounding area. The need for the proposed project is based on the following criteria:
- Area Wide Network / System Linkage: Regional Bicycle and Pedestrian Connectivity
- Safety: Provide Safe Multimodal Access to Destinations
- Social and Economic Demand: Enhance Quality of Life and Support Economic Development
Overall, the proposed PTNP improvements are anticipated to:
- Encourage private investment in disadvantaged neighborhoods
- Promote healthy activities/lifestyle for local residents/trail users
- Improve access to schools, parks, public transportation, jobs, and health services
Project Funding
Manatee County received a federal grant earmark (through the T-HUD grant program) which they are currently working to encumber. This federal earmark can be used for design, right of way acquisition, or construction for the Palmetto Trails Network project.
What is a PD&E Study?
A Project Development and Environment (PD&E) Study is an environmental and engineering process developed by the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) to determine social, economic, natural, and physical environmental effects associated with a proposed transportation improvement project. The process follows procedures set forth in the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 and federal and state laws and regulations. It requires the combined efforts of professional engineers, planners, and scientists who collect and analyze project-related information to develop the best solution for transportation needs. An Important component of the process is public and agency coordination. The basic of a PD&E study include:
Data Collection
The first major work effort is the collection of all available data pertaining to the study corridor including existing community characteristics, areas of historic and cultural significance, population demographics, locations of wetlands and habitat for listed and protected species, potential contamination sites, existing and future land uses, and drainage patterns.
Alternatives Development and Analysis
Once the data collection is complete and the needs of the corridor have been determined, various improvement alternatives will be developed. For a trail project, these alternatives include the alignments, street crossings, and other trail features. The environmental impacts, social impacts and costs of these alternatives will be quantified and summarized in a comparative matrix. In the future design phase, other trail design elements (lighting, crossing/signal details, etc.) may be considered.
Final Acceptance
FDOT District One will submit the study to the FDOT Office of Environmental Management (OEM) for Location and Design Concept Acceptance after the study team receives and evaluates comments from the public hearing. The PD&E study phase of the project is completed once the project is accepted by OEM. The phases that follow PD&E study are design of the project, acquisition of right-of-way (if necessary) and construction of proposed improvements.
FDOT will hold meetings with agencies and stakeholders throughout the study. These meetings will assist the project team with identifying issues, opportunities, and potential transportation solutions for the corridor. Throughout the study process, FDOT will provide presentations to various organizations, and interested citizens may also request a presentation to their group or organization.
FDOT welcomes and appreciates everyone's participation in the project. Meetings are developed in compliance with the Title VI of the Civil Rights act of 1964 and related statues. Public participation is solicited without regard to race, color, national origin, age, sex, religion, disability, or family status.
The environmental review, consultation, and other actions required by applicable federal environmental laws for this project are being, or have been, carried out by the FDOT pursuant to 23 U.S.C 327 and a Memorandum of Understanding dated May 26, 2022 and executed by the Federal Highway Administration and FDOT.
Project Newsletters
Winter 2020 Kickoff Newsletter
Spring 2022 Alternatives Public Meeting Newsletter
Spring 2022 Alternatives Public Meeting Flyer
Fall 2024 Re-Kickoff Newsletter
Winter 2025 Southern Section Public Workshop Newsletter
Overview Information
View these boards for basic information about the study and about the PD&E process.
Title VI Display Board - Information for Title VI statue that this workshop follows, along with contact information
What is a PD&E? Display Board - Read the basic definition of a PD&E study
Facility Types Display Board - A visual example of a shared use path which is one of the facility types that will be evaluated in the project areas
Middle and Northern Sections
RAISE Grant Middle and Northern Section Vicinity Map Display Board - View General location of the BUILD (now RAISE) Grant Middle and Northern Section corridors
Spring 2021 Focus Group Summary Display Board - Shares the questionnaire developed for the Spring 2021 focus groups and a summary of responses received
Middle and Northern Section Alignment Map Display Board - An overview map of Middle and Northern Section routes being explored for the trail based on the RAISE grant
Click here for displays of the alternatives presented for the Middle and Northern Section routes at the Public Workshop in Spring 2022.
Additional Considerations Display Board - Six additional questions presented for prior public consideration
Virtual Public Meeting Presentation - A copy of the presentation that was shown at the virtual event on February 1, 2022. (Note: This is a large file that may take longer to load)
Winter 2021 Questionnaire - Questionnaire distributed in December 2021
Southern Section
Fall 2024 Neighborhood Focus Group Display Boards - Boards displayed at the October 2024 neighborhood focus group.
Fall 2024 Questionnaire - Questionnaire distributed at the October 2024 neighborhood focus group.
Additional Resources
2018 BUILD Grant - The Palmetto Trails network is part of a BUILD Grant (now branded as RAISE grant) application submitted and supported by the County and Civic leadership
Washington Park - The present and future plans of this 88-acre park.
Lincoln Park - Fact sheet outlining improvement projects for the park
Lincoln Tunnel - A brief history of Lincoln Memorial High School and Lincoln Tunnel.
Public Involvement
Here are the ways you can participate in the upcoming workshop. Materials will be the same at all events, so attending every event is not necessary.
Wednesday, February 12, 2025 Workshop Materials Posted online
View all the materials below in the Project Documents box.
Wednesday, February 19, 2025 In-Person Workshop
Veterans’ Hall – Manatee County Fairgrounds
1402 14th Avenue W.
Palmetto, FL 34221
5 – 7 p.m. open house
View workshop materials, talk to the project team, and submit comments.
Thursday, February 27, 2025 Live Online Workshop - (Advanced registration required)
6 – 7 p.m.
Register at: fdot.cc/Palmetto-Trails-Registration. You will receive a confirmation email with information about joining the workshop from a computer, tablet, or mobile device. (Note: Internet Explorer cannot be used for this event)
Review the materials online prior to the event. Participate in an online presentation and live question & answer session with the project team.
How to submit comments
You may submit comments in the following ways
- During the live in-person event
- Online through the project website (use the contact box on the right)
- Email the Project Manager (Michelle.Rutishauser@dot.state.fl.us)
- By mail: (FDOT District One, Attn: Palmetto Trails Network PD&E Study, 801 N. Broadway Ave. MS 1-40, Bartow, FL 33830).
You are able to provide written comment about the project at any time, but comments must be submitted by March 10, 2025, to be included in the record for this workshop. You may also call the Project Manager (813-380-7121) if you have questions before you submit your comment.
If you need ADA or Translation Services:
Persons who require special accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) or persons who require translation services (free of charge) should contact Cynthia Sykes, District One Title VI Coordinator by phone at (863) 519-2287 or by email at cynthia.sykes@dot.state.fl.us at least seven (7) days before the live event you plan to attend.
The Florida Department of Transportation is required to comply with various non-discrimination laws and regulations, including Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. FDOT solicits public participation without regard to race, color, national origin, age, sex, religion, disability, or family status. Anyone wishing to express concern about Title VI should contact Cynthia Sykes at the information above.
Public Notices
This meeting will be advertised according to federal and state statutes in the following places:
- On this project website
- Email to public officials and interested parties
- Newsletter to local property owners near the project
- FDOT’s Public Notices website
Public involvement is an integral part of the Palmetto Trails Network PD&E Study. FDOT will use several activities to engage interested parties in the study process, including charrettes, a public workshop, and a formal public hearing.
Charrettes (small group meetings)
Charrettes began in February 2021. Another charrette (neighborhood focus group) was held on October 30, 2024.
A Public Workshop for the Middle and Northern Sections was held from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on Thursday, January 27, 2022, at the Palmetto Youth Center and the Virtual Public Workshop was held on Tuesday, February 1, 2022, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. An In-Person Public Workshop for the Southern Section will be held from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, February 19, 2025, at Veteran's Hall - Manatee County Fairgrounds and a Virtual Public Workshop will be held Thursday, February 27, 2025, from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Notifications are provided for all public involvement activities. See the Documents and Publications section for previously sent notifications.
Frequently Asked Questions
Click here to see answers to frequently asked questions.
The Palmetto Trails Network PD&E Study began in Spring 2020 and is estimated to be completed by early 2026. The project activities include data collection, development of trail improvement alignments and evaluation of potential social and environmental impacts in the community. Environmental surveys and development of the improvement alignments are currently underway. Click here to view the current project schedule.
Contact Information
We encourage you to participate in the Palmetto Trails Network PD&E Study and invite your questions and comments. If you have questions about this project or would like to schedule a meeting, please contact FDOT Project Manager, Michelle Rutishauser, at 813-380-7121 or by email at Michelle.Rutishauser@dot.state.fl.us.
You can mail written comments and questions to:
Palmetto Trails Network PD&E Study
Attention: Jimmy Vilce, P.E.
Florida Department of Transportation
801 N. Broadway Avenue, MS 1-40
Bartow, FL 33830
Contact Information
PD&E Project Manager |
Michelle Rutishauser
For Media Inquiries Only |