One of the biggest worries you may have when deciding to travel to work without your car is what to do in case of an emergency. If you use an alternative transportation option as your primary commute, you may qualify for our Emergency Ride Home (ERH) Program.
Commute Connector’s ERH Program is a backup plan in case you have to arrange transportation home due to specific qualifying events. If one of these situations arises, you can request reimbursement for the expense of your emergency ride home using the Commute Connector App.
To qualify for this program, you must use one of the following alternative modes of transportation to get to work at least two (2) times a week.
Qualifying Alternative Modes of Transportation
- Carpooling or vanpooling
- Riding the bus to work
- Biking or walking
To use the ERH reimbursement system, create a Commute Connector account, and log your commute trips. You can use the program up to six (6) times a year, and up to $100 for each qualifying emergency.
Qualifying Emergency Events*
- Carpool/vanpool must leave work early
- Illness
- Unscheduled overtime
* You must be enrolled in the program before the emergency event occurs. Emergency Ride Home is not to be used for a ride to work, personal or work-related trips or scheduled overtime. Inclement weather (such as a hurricane or tornado) or transit closures are not qualifying events.
Reimbursable Expenses
- Cost of a taxi (including Lyft or Uber)
- Cost of a rental car
- Cost of mileage
Each reimbursement request cannot exceed $100. Each registered commuter is limited to six (6) reimbursements every calendar year. Reimbursement requests are non-transferable.
For full program guidelines, read more about this program. We can also answer your questions by calling us at (866) 585-RIDE (7433).